#Human Resources

Top 10 Reasons Why Employees Leave Their Jobs

Dalila Farhana binti Johari
by Dalila Farhana binti Johari
Apr 16, 2024 at 9:45 PM

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Employers need to understand the reasons of why their employees leave jobs. This understanding helps them keep their staff happy and motivated. Some good reasons for leaving a job such as company changes, acquisitions, seeking advancement, better environment or personal factor like family situation. In this article, we're highlighting the top 10 reasons why employees choose to leave their jobs, so employers can take steps to retain your valuable staff members.


Top 10 Reasons Why Employees Leave Their Jobs


1. Toxic Workplace Culture

One big reason why employees leaving their job is because of toxic workplaces. In these places, people often feel like they have to look out for themselves, which makes everyone upset. They might even blame each other because they're scared. Working in a toxic environment can make employees feel angry, less productive, and wanting to leave. Employees can feel demotivated when they work in a toxic environment. That's why HR needs to come up with strategies to keep the workplace culture positive. This might involve promoting open communication where employees feel comfortable sharing their concerns and ideas.

2. Looking for a Higher Salary

A significant factor causing employees to leave is feeling they're not paid enough for their work. Changes in lifestyle or a growing family might lead someone to start looking for new job opportunities. A higher salary helps them feel financially secure and reach their personal or career goals. If they think they're not getting enough pay for their work, they might feel like the company doesn't value them. So, they might look for a job that pays better.

HR departments can use salary comparison tools to make sure they offer good pay packages to job seekers. This AJobThing salary comparison tool gives information about how much people in similar roles get paid in the same industry, place, and with similar experience. With this salary comparison tool, HR can make sure they're offering salaries that are competitive and attractive. This helps in keeping employees happy and staying in their jobs.

3. Needing More Recognition

Employees often leave their jobs because they want their bosses to notice and appreciate their efforts more. If employees feel like their hard work isn't seen or praised by their managers, they might not feel motivated to keep going. To overcome employee demotivation, we can apply three motivation theories to increase workplace productivity

4. Feeling Unsatisfied with Policies

Some companies provide flexible schedules and options to work from home. When employees feel their workplace rules don't allow for these options, they might look for jobs at companies that offer them. Not having enough paid time off or sick leave can also make employees want to leave. Moreover, HR policies play a key role in shaping company culture, especially when leaders prioritize clear rules over vague guidelines.

5. Seeking Work-Life Balance

If employees always working extra hours, it can start to affect employees personal life and make them feel burned out. Wanting a good balance between work and personal life, where you have time for your loved ones and hobbies, is a common reason why people quit their jobs. Promoting work-life balance at companies is really important for employers. It helps make employees happier and more satisfied with their jobs. Nowadays, when people are looking for jobs, they often want to work for companies that let them have flexible schedules and make it easy to balance work and personal life.

6. Wanting more Freedom at Work 

While managers might feel they need to watch over everything to make things run smoothly, it can sometimes cause issues. Giving employees more independence can make them happier and help them figure out how to do their job better. When employees don't get this opportunity, they might feel stressed and start looking for another job. If employees want more freedom at work, employers can encourage work-from-home culture. This allows employees to work from their own space, giving them more flexibility work arrangement and control over their schedules.

7. Wanting a Better Relationship with Management 

While it's normal to not always get along with everyone at work, having a bad relationship with management is different. If this affects how employees feel and work, and employees can't fix it, it's understandable if employees want to find a new job. To address the issue of employees leaving their jobs, employers can start by building trust. This means being open and honest in communication, following through on commitments, and showing strong leadership.

8. They Feel Underused

Feeling like they're not given enough to do or not doing the right kind of work can make employees want to leave. Employees want tasks that are interesting or challenging to help them grow their skills. If they feel like their work isn't exciting enough, they might start looking for new chances elsewhere. 

9. Feelings of Isolation

Feeling lonely at work can affect how employees do their job and might make them want to look for a new one.To fix this, employers can add fun activities to your daily meetings. This can help people feel less lonely and make the team closer. These are the best team building activities in Malaysia that HR can organised. 

10. Feeling Disengaged

When employees feel disconnected from their work, they're less likely to stay loyal to the company. Additionally, disengaged employees tend to be less productive, and their performance worsens over time. So, it's crucial to spot disengagement early to prevent harm to your organization.

Recruiters play a crucial role in employee retention by understanding the motivations and needs of both the company and its employees. With recruiter advice, they gain a better understanding of how to keep employees happy and willing to stay in their jobs. When employees feel appreciated and see opportunities for growth, they're more likely to stick around and do their best work.


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