#Human Resources

Employee Motivation Is Your Responsibility — Here's How

Harith Zali
by Harith Zali
Dec 27, 2022 at 3:22 PM

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Employees are liable for performing their assigned duties. As a leader, it is your responsibility to inspire and engage them. Here is how you may stoke their fire and give them a strong sense of purpose.

When employees are not performing their duties or pulling their weight, it is a "them" problem. However, what happens if they lack motivation? As employers, you cannot allow yourself to overlook this problem.

If you do not prioritize engagement and productivity, your employees will not be eager or passionate about their work. 

What role does leadership have in motivating employees? You may believe that employees are entirely accountable for their motivation and zeal. They aren't. Employees are hired to do a duty. Therefore, you may receive the bare minimum if you don't learn to encourage employees as a leader and help them comprehend their purpose.


However, if you can effectively communicate a worker's significance and the significance of their work, you will see immense outcomes.

Motivating and engaging your team members

You may have been told that employees only care about money, but this isn't true. More employees are looking for better work-life balances, and nearly as many want more meaningful careers.

You may have heard that employees worry primarily about money, but this is not the case. Nearly as many employees seek better work-life balances as they pursue more meaningful careers. You should start now and change your communication, leadership, recognition, and appreciation of your personnel.


Provide an abundance of positive and honest feedback

Earlier in our careers, we've all had at least one superior whom we could not please. They may have criticized your work, awaited your errors, or micromanaged your workload. A good job was never great enough; therefore, you could not wait to escape.  Work to become the antithesis of this hypercritical manager now that you've risen the corporate ladder and entered a leadership position. Let credit and appreciation flow freely, like water. Recognize employees who overcome obstacles, even if they are little, frequently. Don't reserve your admiration solely for individuals who go beyond and above. Every day needs the cultivation of motivation.


Inform employees of the impact they make

Employees with a strong sense of meaning will constantly go above and beyond. Consider Disneyland. The objective of Disney's employees is to "entertain, educate, and inspire people throughout the world." They understand that even the smallest part may significantly impact tourists' experience, which is why Disneyland parks feel so enchanted and magical. Everyone is aware of their purpose. Explain the rationale the next time you assign a deliverable to an employee, whether drafting a short email or leading a big project. Clarify why this person is the most qualified to execute the work. Discuss how its accomplishment will progress the department's and company's objectives. Don't be shocked if you observe a change in attitude and performance following this discussion.


Aim for clarity in establishing goals

Your employees cannot read minds. To achieve your requirements, they must communicate effectively and thoroughly. Otherwise, they may need to learn how to contribute their best. In addition, ensure that staff have the tools necessary for success. Do they need additional time? Technology? Training? Distribute resources in advance so that staff can perform assignments efficiently. Ask team members about their preferred working patterns to align their routines with your expectations better.



The sooner you begin, the faster they will grow. And that's a win-win situation for everyone. Motivated employees will like their jobs, and you'll have a great team ready to take on any challenge.



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