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New Employee Retention: How to Improve New Employee Retention

Asha Lokanathan
by Asha Lokanathan
May 16, 2024 at 10:43 AM

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New Employee Retention: How to Improve New Employee Retention

Recruiting top talent is a significant investment of time, money, and effort. However, the true value of these hires is realized when they stay with your organization for the long term. To ensure new employees don't leave within the first six months, it is crucial for HR and hiring managers to develop a robust retention strategy. Here are five tactics specifically designed to encourage new employees to commit to your organization for an extended period.

1. Provide an Honest Job Preview

The first day on a new job can be overwhelming, especially if the reality doesn't match the expectations set during the hiring process. To avoid disappointment and subsequent attrition, it is essential to give candidates a realistic preview of the job, including both the positive and negative aspects. While it may require courage to be honest about potential challenges, transparency will benefit your organization in the long run. Remember, no job is perfect, and setting realistic expectations from the start will help build trust and commitment.

2. Invest in Comprehensive Onboarding

Onboarding is not just about equipping new employees with the basics they need to get started. It is a more extensive process that aims to increase employee engagement, make them feel welcome, and align them with your company's values. Effective onboarding involves ongoing discussions about performance expectations, individual goals, and the necessary support to achieve them. By investing time in thorough onboarding, HR and hiring managers can set the stage for long-term success and employee retention.

3. Establish Clear Expectations through Collaboration

Rather than simply providing new recruits with a list of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) on their first day, it is important to engage in a collaborative dialogue to set clear expectations. This approach ensures that performance discussions become part of a broader conversation about career development. By jointly defining what success looks like in the role and creating a plan with specific goals, employees can envision a long-term future within your organization. This collaborative approach fosters a sense of ownership and commitment.

4. Provide Ongoing Support and Feedback

Supportive environments are more likely to retain employees in the long run. HR and hiring managers can offer support through constructive feedback and recognition of employees' work. For instance, consider providing an external coach to assist newly hired executives during their transition. This level of investment in their success demonstrates your commitment to their growth and development. Remember, this approach is not limited to executives but can be tailored to support employees at all levels within the organization.

5. Offer Continuous and Valuable Training

Organizations that invest in their employees' future are more likely to retain them. Learning and development opportunities don't always require a significant training budget; much of it can be done on the job. Adopting the '70:20:10' model for learning and development can be effective. This model emphasizes that 70% of learning occurs through on-the-job experiences, 20% through mentoring or coaching, and 10% through formal training courses. By providing valuable training opportunities from the very start, HR and hiring managers can demonstrate a commitment to employee growth and development.

In conclusion, losing great talent, especially within the first six months, can be both disappointing and costly. However, by implementing a well-crafted retention strategy, HR and hiring managers can encourage new employees to commit to the organization for the long term. By providing realistic job previews, comprehensive onboarding, clear expectations, ongoing support and feedback, and valuable training opportunities, you can create an environment that fosters employee loyalty and engagement. Remember, investing in your employees' success is an investment in the future of your organization.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. How can we ensure that new employees have a realistic understanding of the job and company culture?
    - To ensure new employees have a realistic understanding, it's important to provide a comprehensive job description that includes both the positive and negative aspects of the role. Additionally, conducting thorough interviews and allowing candidates to ask questions can help clarify expectations. Finally, consider offering opportunities for candidates to shadow current employees or participate in a trial period to experience the work environment firsthand.
  2. How long should the onboarding process last, and what should it include?
    - The onboarding process should extend beyond the first day and ideally last for several weeks or even months. It should include introductions to key team members, an overview of company values and culture, training on job-specific tasks, and ongoing check-ins to address any questions or concerns. Additionally, providing resources for professional development and growth can contribute to a successful onboarding experience.
  3. How can we effectively communicate performance expectations to new employees?
    - Effective communication of performance expectations involves setting clear goals and objectives from the beginning. Instead of solely relying on a job description, engage in open discussions to align on key performance indicators (KPIs) and desired outcomes. Regularly revisit these expectations through ongoing feedback and performance conversations to ensure employees feel supported and motivated to achieve their targets.

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