#Recruitment & Hiring

Why hiring managers must do Interview feedback for application rejection?

Syafiqah Razani
by Syafiqah Razani
May 12, 2023 at 2:24 PM

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When hiring new employees, it's important to provide feedback to all candidates, even those not selected for the position. Providing constructive feedback can help rejected candidates improve their skills and increase their chances of success in future job applications. Additionally, it can enhance your employer's brand image and encourage candidates to apply to your company again. This article will discuss 5 effective ways to provide constructive interview feedback for application rejection.


Why constructive interview feedback is important for application rejection

Providing feedback is an important part of the hiring process. It not only helps rejected candidates improve, but it also reflects well on your company. Here are a few reasons why constructive feedback is important:

#1 Providing feedback helps applicants improve

When candidates receive feedback, they can improve their skills and abilities. When you give detailed feedback on the areas needing improvement, candidates can identify and work on those issues. This can help them become better candidates for future positions.

#2 Encourage future applicants

When you give feedback to candidates who weren't selected, they are more likely to apply for other positions at your company. Candidates will become more interested in your company if you value their time and effort. It helps encourage them to apply again in the future.

#3 Improves employer brand image

When you provide feedback, you demonstrate that your company is considerate toward its applicants. In return, it can enhance your employer's brand image and attract highly qualified candidates. 


What are the 5 ways to provide constructive interview feedback

#1 Be specific and clear

Being specific and clear while giving feedback towards candidates helps them understand what they can work on for future applications.

For instance, suppose a candidate interviewed for a sales position but are lacking in discussing their sales experience. Acknowledge their communication and rapport-building strengths and suggest they be more confident when discussing sales. Such feedback helps them gain insights into improving their interviewing skills for future job applications.

#2 Focus on areas for improvement

While it's important to acknowledge what the candidate did well, it's equally important to focus on areas where they can improve. You can help the candidate address weaknesses and become stronger by providing constructive criticism.

For instance, suppose a candidate is strong in technical skills but needs more communication skills. You can give feedback by acknowledging their expertise but emphasizing the importance of communication in their applied role. Such constructive criticism can help candidates improve their weaknesses and become better candidates for future job opportunities.

#3 Balance your criticism with an appraisal

While providing constructive criticism is necessary, it's equally important to acknowledge the candidate's strengths and accomplishments. Balancing criticism with praise can help the candidate feel more motivated to improve and take your feedback more positively.

For example, suppose a candidate demonstrates strong leadership skills during an interview for a project management role. In that case, you can give constructive criticism by suggesting time management or delegation improvement. But it's important to acknowledge their strengths by highlighting their effective leadership and how it can benefit the team. Balancing criticism with praise can motivate candidates to take feedback positively and strive for improvement.

#4 Offer suggestions

In addition to providing feedback on areas of improvement, it's important to offer suggestions and resources to help the candidate improve. Feedback includes recommending relevant training courses or providing tips for future job interviews.

Suppose a candidate interviewed for a marketing position and needed help creating effective social media campaigns. They should take a social media marketing course to improve their skills and provide tips for future job interviews. When offering suggestions, you help candidates to improve their skills and increase their chance to success.

#5 End with a positive note

Ending on a positive note means providing the candidate with encouragement and well wishes for their future career prospects. Positive encouragement helps to ensure that your feedback is perceived as helpful and constructive rather than overly critical or negative. Here's an example:

"Thank you for taking the time to interview with us. We appreciate your interest in the position and your effort in applying. While we cannot offer you the role now, we encourage you to keep working on your skills and experience. You have a lot of potential, and I wish you the best of luck in your job search.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Should I provide feedback to all rejected candidates?

A1: Yes, providing feedback to all candidates can improve your employer's brand image and encourage future applications. Refer here for a second interview

Q2: How should I deliver feedback to rejected candidates?

A2: You can deliver feedback via email, phone call, or in person. Choose a method that is appropriate and respectful.

Q3: What should I include in my feedback to rejected candidates?

A3: Your feedback should be specific, clear, and balanced, and offer suggestions and resources for improvement.

Q4: How can I balance criticism with praise in my feedback?

A4: Acknowledge the applicant's strengths and accomplishments and focus on specific areas of improvement.

Q5: What is the benefit of offering suggestions and resources in my feedback?

A5: Offering suggestions and resources can help applicants improve their skills and increase their chances of success in future applications.