#Workplace #Human Resources

Leave Request Form

Dalila Farhana binti Johari
by Dalila Farhana binti Johari
Apr 14, 2024 at 4:25 PM

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Leave Request Form

If you need a leave request letter/form to ask for a few days off, you're in luck. We've got a free template you can download and print. It's simple to use and won't cost you a thing. Plus, with our leave request email, you can easily copy and paste the info you need whenever you need it. No more worries about asking for vacation or sick leave!


This form consists of four sections for you to complete: employee details, leave type, reason for leave, and approval requests.

It's adaptable to various types of leave and can be customized to fit your organization's requirements. Whether you're requesting a single day off or several, this form is versatile.

Whether it's for a medical appointment due to illness, planning a vacation to Hawaii, or getting married, having this leave request form handy is essential.

leave request form


Leave request email

If you need a straightforward email to formally request days off from your manager, take a look at the sample provided below:


Hi Tim,

I'm reaching out to request two days off starting September 6 for personal reasons. While I'm away, Josh will step in and handle my responsibilities temporarily.

Thank you for your understanding and approval.

Best regards,



The "Leave Request Form" is a vital tool for efficiently managing time off within an organization. It streamlines leave requests, ensures clarity in policies, minimizes conflicts, and maintains accurate records, contributing to operational efficiency and employee satisfaction.


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