#Workplace #Working Wisdom

3 Networking Myths You Should Know

by Danial
Apr 25, 2019 at 2:27 PM

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Meeting people is already a challenge, and the misconceptions about networking make it even more difficult. Here are the most common ones:

  1. Networking happens in a fixed environment

  2. Networking requires small talk and forced smiles

  3. I have nothing to contribute to someone

Let us address each one:


MYTH: Networking only happens at certain places

TRUTH: Networking can happen anywhere

The reality is that networking can happen anywhere (on the train, at the gym, even on the streets!). Sure, there are traditional social settings where it takes place (conferences, office happy hours), but networking is not limited to these places since it's about talking to people and making a real connection.

Don't trap yourself in the same old perspective, realise that there are opportunities to meet and connect with someone every day and everywhere. Saw a group of students discussing a book you've been reading? Don't be shy, contribute your thoughts! Make the most out of random encounters.


MYTH: Networking is about making small talks and forced smiles

TRUTH: True networking is based on authenticity

If your interaction with someone involves small talks and forced smiles, chances are you're not connecting on a deep level. Actual networking is about being yourself when talking to someone and building on potential shared interests.

Of course, things could get awkward in the beginning but once you reached a point where you can have an honest conversation and knowing each other, that's true networking.

Don't see networking as just another item on your to-do list. Networking should not be an ordeal, but something you enjoy. In the end, the relationships you will go on to develop will be based on the level of authenticity you choose to share.

MYTH: I have nothing valuable to share 

TRUTH: You'd be amazed to know that you can help someone in many ways

Your favourite blogger is coming to your city and needs help to promote their event? Spread the word on social media, your local coffee shop, and get some friends to come along.

If you could bring more people to the event, that's one way you have added value to their lives. Don't underestimate your contribution in a relation.


Networking takes two, just like tango. Both parties have to bring something to the table and share it with another. Next time you're tempted to have a conversation with someone you admire, take a shot. Whether you tell them something they didn't know or help them solve a problem, you have the potential to add value in someone's life in so many ways.

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Source: Forbes


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