#Working Wisdom

Why Should You Care About Quiet Quitting?

Azlen Othman
by Azlen Othman
Nov 23, 2022 at 3:52 PM

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It can be challenging to keep work stress with a healthy personal life. Indeed, according to a LinkedIn survey, higher earners face more job-related stress.

You may be so concentrated on earning enough extra income that you miss out on other aspects of your life.

If you are offered a different position with more authority and responsibility at your current job, or if you are looking for one elsewhere, you must consider whether the pressure and additional responsibilities are worth it.

While it is always pleasant to earn extra profit, you may discover that you are prepared to cooperate at a less stressful job to enjoy your life more.

It is critical to consider whether you will enjoy the duties you will be doing in your new position. A promotion frequently implies that you will do a different type of work. You might be moving into management, so you won't be "getting your hands dirty" with the firm's day-to-day operations.

  • Accepting the new role makes perfect sense if this position will help you achieve your long-term career objectives.

  • If you enjoy what you do and do not want to advance in your career, it may be better to stay where you are.

Before applying for new jobs, you should educate yourself as much as possible. It is acceptable to interview for a job and then decline it if it does not feel like a perfect match for your goals or character.

You should talk to your spouse about the opportunity if you are married. Whether you accept the position or not, it will impact your family and marriage.


Do I require extra income?

Before taking on a new, more challenging job, consider how the additional cash will influence your current way of life. You may need to earn more money to cover your basic expenses if you have a family.

A simple household cost estimate should give you an idea of how much you need to earn to maintain your family's comfortable lifestyle. The important thing is to make your choice while completely aware of your financial position, needs and desires.

Quiet quitting is a catchphrase that has gained popularity in the last few months. You may have seen it on LinkedIn or other social media platforms such as Facebook and TikTok.

But what precisely is the big deal? What exactly does Quiet Quitting imply? More relevantly, why should organisations and human resource managers, such as yourself, care?


What exactly is Quiet Quitting?

Quiet quitting is when employees do the minimum necessary at work, refusing to do anything beyond their responsibilities. This is commonly motivated by the perception that work-life balance should be prioritised. This trend has arguably grown in popularity in recent years due to the pandemic.

Despite the name, Quiet Quitting does not involve certain employees quitting their jobs or aborting their employment in any way.

Instead, Quiet Quitting is part of a larger desire to avoid undertaking work that would be recognised extra — whether overtime or outside job scopes.


Is Quitting Quiet a Bad Thing?

This question does not have a one-size-fits-all answer. Quiet Quitting varies greatly from person to person. Although there are advantages to maintaining a healthy work-life balance and remunerating employees for completed work, there are also drawbacks to the practice.

Quitting quietly, for example, has been said to reduce — or perhaps even eliminate — a certain percentage of connection employees have toward their work.

While it is still possible to keep a healthy work-life balance and be productive at work, the way of thinking behind Quiet Quitting may have a negative impact on the accomplishment of business goals.

Furthermore, Quiet Quitting can impede the development of interpersonal relationships among coworkers (because everyone is only concerned with completing their to-do ). Employees may work in silos rather than collaboratively, with the team failing to consider their roles and responsibility on a macro level.

Consider this: if an employee shows up for work, does the bare minimum, and declines to take on any extra responsibilities, this can impact the individual's potential for advancement and learning.


What should businesses do?

However, it is critical that employers prioritise their employees' personal well-being. This can include a healthy work-life balance, a start concentrating on employee mental health, and employee engagement who are fairly compensated for their efforts.

Healthy boundaries are also essential for keeping employees happy, engaged, and productive. This can also mean avoiding situations where employees Quietly Quit while their employers are unaware.

The majority of employees are looking for jobs that align with their values. If their work can give them more meaning and purpose in their lives, it provides another level of enjoyment besides a healthy and enjoyable work-life balance.

The Quiet Quitter is not a hopeless case. They can be brought back from the brink with frequent recognition and empathetic management. Individuals will regularly rise to the occasion when given a chance in recognition-rich workplace environments with management that prioritises the well-being and happiness of their employees.


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