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7 Unarguable Hints Your Employee is Incompetent

Mohamad Danial bin Ab. Khalil
by Mohamad Danial bin Ab. Khalil
May 20, 2021 at 10:26 AM

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Employees are one of the most powerful assets of a company. However, they're also one of the most significant liabilities for a company.

The effects employees have on a company is painfully apparent when incompetent and dead-weight staff infiltrate it. 

Organisational culture will usually decide whether incompetent workers can stay or be fired. A culture filled with intimidation and fear passed down by the leadership will always keep other employees from becoming whistleblowers. 

There's a risk for whistleblowers to be targeted and singled out if an incompetent employee is the leadership's favourite. In this type of company, incompetence can and will run rampant, destroying the company from inside. 

Hence, it is high time for employers to spot incompetent employees. Here are a few tell-tale signs of an incompetent employee:  


1. Likes to blame others

Everyone's been there. The leadership is not happy because something did not go as planned. However, it wasn't our fault, but our colleague's. At this point, there are two choices:

  • Keep our mouth shut, apologise and pledge to fix it ASAP.
  • Tell the boss it was not your fault and it was someone else's doing.

If you chose the second option, even if you are telling the truth, it can be a sign of incompetence to deflect responsibility constantly. 

If the employee is competent, in time, the leadership will recognise their work ethic and skills. If they are incompetent, they will always feel a need to blame others. 


2. Takes credit for every good deed

Just like workers who like to blame others, incompetent employees are also quick to take credit for the team's achievement. 

Sure, there's no "I" in team, but there's one in "incompetence". Employees who rely on their coworkers to look good always takes credit for accomplishments.


3. Makes hard-working colleagues feel bad

Another typical incompetent worker tactic is to scold their coworkers who go above and beyond and makes others look bad. 

They will use peer pressure to keep their colleagues from excelling and encourage them to stay with the status quo. An incompetent employee despises the hard workers in the team. 


4. Believes seniority is an excuse not to work as hard

Just because they have worked for the organisation for two decades, it does not mean the new employees have to work harder. Many veterans like to stay back and prefer not to do anything other than barking orders at their peers. 

For the management, they always wonder what this senior employee actually does. Yes, there are informal leaders in a company, but real leaders lead from the front rather than the back. 

5. Resists innovation and change

The phrase "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" is not entirely true. Many veterans are well-versed in technology and social media. Employees who embrace change are prepared to learn new skills and adapt to the new world. 

However, incompetent workers resist change at every turn and are unwilling to embrace innovations that benefit the organisation.


6. Poor work performance

The most visible sign of an incompetent worker is one whose work performance is consistently poor and needs colleagues to fix it.

A clear sign of incompetence is underperformance that is not related to laziness or other above-stated factors. 


7. Loves to say, "That's not my job."

Nothing is more infuriating than workers who do not want to do anything outside their expressly-stated job descriptions.

Good employees are usually willing to take extra responsibilities, and the leadership should always reward them with increased experience, opportunities and pay.

Incompetent employees do not take on any extra duties for self-serving reasons such as fear and laziness. 


Do you know who the incompetent employee is?

As a leader, we must know our employees and stop incompetent ones from infecting the workforce. 

Once an incompetent employee manages to plague the company, other employees will follow suit, and your company will suffer from lowered productivity. 


Employers must fight toxic organisational cultures that embrace incompetent employees.


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