#Workplace #Working Wisdom

This Study Reveals What Motivates People at Work

by Danial
Feb 25, 2019 at 12:59 PM

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It’s hard to be productive at work when you’re not motivated. So, what motivates you at work?

A survey carried out by LeadershipIQ attempts to find out what motivates people at work. Through collecting data from over 20,000 people, they have discovered that there are 5 primary types of motivations that drive employee actions at work:


  1. Achievement: Driven people want to excel and continually reach for a higher level of personal best.

  2. Power: Driven people want to take charge and make decisions that impact others.

  3. Affiliation: Driven people want to build harmonious relationships and feel accepted by others.

  4. Security: Driven people want to maintain consistency, predictability and continuity.

  5. Adventure: Driven people always look for risk, change and uncertainty.

These 5 types of motivations showed that people who are driven by motivation are 44% more likely to love and stay in their jobs.


Resiliency Is The Key

  • Achievement-driven people are unlike most people because they don’t rely as much on their work environment. They can love their jobs even if they don’t have the best bosses or coworkers.

  • On the other hand, power-driven people struggle if they don’t have the opportunity to take charge.

  • Affiliation-driven people find it hard to excel in environments that have conflicts and disharmony.

  • Adventure-driven person can’t survive in slow-moving environments

  • This is similar to security-driven people who love to work in chaotic and disruptive environments.


How To Become An Achievement-Driven Person

  1. Find a goal that’s within your reach

    • Choose a goal that is not influenced by factors outside your control. Don’t aim for goals such as “I want a 10% raise”.

    • A better goal would be “I want to complete my online course” or “I want to make at least eight sales calls every day”.

    • Write these goals down. People who vividly describe their goals are anywhere from 1.2 to 1.4 times more likely to accomplish them.

  2. Look for projects you’ve never done before

    • Achievement-driven people are known for their love of projects outside their comfort zone.

    • Assign yourself to a team or project that feels new and exciting.

    • Before you start the project, make a list of all the skills you’re excited to gain.

    • While your project may not be successful, but you will learn new skills along the way.

  3. Start your day with a plan

    • Every morning, ask yourself “What do I need to accomplish for this day to be successful?” This will give you an immediate goal that you can prioritise and measure your day.

    • The research revealed that people are 45% more likely to leave work feeling happy if they start their day planning instead of reading emails.


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Source: CNBC


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