#Workplace #Human Resources #Employer

Which Office Layout is Perfect for Your Organisation?

by Danial
Dec 28, 2018 at 3:04 PM

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A well-organised and neatly-arranged workplace can be a refreshing sight for the employees. Staying in a messy and cluttered environment could make employees reluctant to work.

It is important to design the perfect office space for your organisation, as it can help your employees be more productive. It is important to provide them with what they need so they can get work done fast and neatly. A poor workplace design can lead to employees’ getting distracted which decreases productivity, lower employee morale, and high turnover rate.

Here are some workplace designs you can try out in your office:

Co-working space

This working space offers a wide range of workspaces for individuals and companies. There will be desk rentals, office suits and even a whole office floors for big companies. Co-working space is perfect for freelancers who visit your company, startups, small companies without capital, and large companies that enjoy high class facilities.


  • More affordable

  • Lack of communication barriers

  • Employees can prompt action and increase work efficiency

  • Fewer artificial lighting and air conditioners


Team cluster design

This design is the basis of a team-based office layout. It groups teams in clusters and designed areas to ease workflow and communication. This design is great for company with multiple teams, or teams that hold many internal meetings.



Cubicles design

This design are desk that designated with cubicles. You can arrange the cubicles in a 2x2 layout, or row design cubicles arranged horizontally across the office. This is the best design for organisations that requires its employees some privacy such as banks, telemarketing firms, or auditing firms.


  • Provides more privacy-collaboration spectrum

  • Enables employees to have quick and open communication while still offering privacy

  • Gives more focus for phone calls and sensitive documents


Private room space

For this design, employees will be provided their own workspace. They can work and meet clients peacefully without any distraction. This design is suited for people who do confidential work and have frequent one-on-one meetings.


  • Each employee will own their own room so they can decorate and arrange it however they want

  • This design provides more privacy, quietness, and focus.


Large open space

This is a popular space for startups with millennial employees. This workspace lacks cubicles and partitions. Desks are arranged in rows or clusters in a large open area. This design is perfect for fast pace and flat hierarchy company such as startups or tech companies.


  • Provides employees choice for their own working style

  • Provides never-ending supply of refreshments


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This article is based on Office Layouts: Which One Suits Your Team Best?​ by hrinasia.com