#Workplace #Human Resources

SOCSO Contribution Table in Malaysia

Hong Yuan
by Hong Yuan
Nov 30, -0001 at 12:00 AM

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The Social Security Organisation (SOCSO), also known as Pertubuhan Keselamatan Sosial (PERKESO), plays a vital role in Malaysia’s worker protection framework. It offers financial support to employees in cases of work-related accidents, illnesses, disabilities, or even death. Both employers and employees contribute to SOCSO, ensuring the overall well-being of the country's workforce. 

SOCSO contributions are divided into two key categories: the Employment Injury Scheme and the Invalidity Pension Scheme. Understanding the differences between these two categories is essential for both employees and employers.

First Category: Employment Injury and Invalidity Scheme

For employees under the age of 60, both employers and employees are required to contribute to the Employment Injury Scheme and the Invalidity Scheme. The contribution rate for this category is 1.75% from the employer and 0.5% from the employee, based on the employee’s monthly wage as per the SOCSO contribution schedule.

Note: All employees below the age of 60 must contribute under this category. However, employees who are 55 years old and have not made any prior contributions due to ineligibility under the Employees’ Social Security Act, of 1969, are exempt.

Second Category: Employment Injury Scheme

For employees aged 60 and above, only the Employment Injury Scheme applies. The contribution rate for this category is 1.25% of the employee’s monthly wage, which is paid entirely by the employer according to the SOCSO contribution schedule.

SOCSO Contribution Rates Table 2024

First Category:  Employment Injury and Invalidity Scheme

Monthly Wage Range (RM) Employer's Contribution (RM) Employee's Contribution (RM) Total Contribution (RM)
Less than 30 0.40 0.10 0.50
30-49 0.70 0.20 0.90
50-69 1.10 0.30 1.40
70 - 99 1.50 0.40 1.90
100 - 139 2.10 0.60 2.70
140 - 199 2.95 0.85 3.80
200 - 299 4.35 1.25 5.60
300 - 399 6.15 1.75 7.90
400 - 499 7.85 2.25 10.10
500 - 599 9.65 2.75 12.40
600 - 699 11.35 3.25 14.60
700 - 799 13.15 3.75 16.90
800 - 899 14.85 4.25 19.10
900 - 999 16.65 4.75 21.40
1000 - 1099 18.35 5.25 23.60
1100 - 1199 20.15 5.75 25.90
1200 - 1299 21.85 6.25 28.10
1300 - 1399 23.65 6.75 30.40
1400 - 1499 25.35 7.25 32.60
1500 - 1599 27.15 7.75 34.90
1600 - 1699 28.85 8.25 37.10
1700 - 1799 30.65 8.75 39.40
1800 - 1899 32.35 9.25 41.60
1900 - 1999 34.15 9.75 43.90
2000 - 2099 35.85 10.25 46.10
2100 - 2199 37.65 10.75 48.40
2200 - 2299 39.35 11.25 50.60
2300 - 2399 41.15 11.75 52.90
2400 - 2499 42.85 12.25 55.10
2500 - 2599 44.65 12.75 57.40
2600 - 2699 46.35 13.25 59.60
2700 - 2799 48.15 13.75 61.90
2800 - 2899 49.85 14.25 64.10
2900 - 2999 51.65 14.75 66.40
3000 - 3099 53.35 15.25 68.60
3100 - 3199 55.15 15.75 70.90
3200 - 3299 56.85 16.25 73.10
3300 - 3399 58.65 16.75 75.40
3400 - 3499 60.35 17.25 77.60
3500 - 3599 62.15 17.75 79.90
3600 - 3699 63.85 18.25 82.10
3700 - 3799 65.65 18.75 84.40
3800 - 3899 67.35 19.25 86.60
3900 - 3999 69.15 19.75 88.90
4000 - 4099 70.85 20.25 91.10
4100 - 4199  72.65 20.75 93.40
4200 - 4299 74.35 21.25 95.60
4300 - 4399 76.15 21.75 97.90
4400 - 4499 77.85 22.25 100.10
4500 - 4599 79.65 22.75 102.40
4600 - 4699 81.35 23.2 104.60
4700 - 4799 83.15 23.75 106.90
4800 - 4899 84.85 24.25 109.10
4900 - 4999 86.65 24.75 111.40
More than 5000 86.65 24.75 111.40

Second Category: Employment Injury Scheme

Monthly Wage Range (RM) Employer's Contribution (RM)
Less than 30 0.30
30-49 0.50
50-69 0.80
70 - 99 1.10
100 - 139 1.50
140 - 199 2.10
200 - 299 3.10
300 - 399 4.40
400 - 499 5.60
500 - 599 6.90
600 - 699 8.10
700 - 799 9.40
800 - 899 10.60
900 - 999 11.90
1000 - 1099 13.10
1100 - 1199 14.40
1200 - 1299 15.60
1300 - 1399 16.90
1400 - 1499 18.10
1500 - 1599 19.40
1600 - 1699 20.60
1700 - 1799 21.90
1800 - 1899 23.10
1900 - 1999 24.40
2000 - 2099 25.60
2100 - 2199 26.90
2200 - 2299 28.10
2300 - 2399 29.40
2400 - 2499 30.60
2500 - 2599 31.90
2600 - 2699 33.10
2700 - 2799 34.40
2800 - 2899 35.60
2900 - 2999 36.90
3000 - 3099 38.10
3100 - 3199 39.40
3200 - 3299 40.60
3300 - 3399 41.90
3400 - 3499 43.10
3500 - 3599 44.40
3600 - 3699 45.60
3700 - 3799 46.90
3800 - 3899 48.10
3900 - 3999 49.40
4000 - 4099 50.60
4100 - 4199  51.90
4200 - 4299 53.10
4300 - 4399 54.40
4400 - 4499 55.60
4500 - 4599 56.90
4600 - 4699 58.10
4700 - 4799 59.40
4800 - 4899 60.60
4900 - 4999 61.90
More than 5000 61.90



1. Who is required to contribute to SOCSO?

Both employers and employees are required to contribute to SOCSO. Employees below 60 must contribute to both the Employment Injury Scheme and the Invalidity Pension Scheme, while employees aged 60 and above contribute only to the Employment Injury Scheme.

2. What is the SOCSO contribution rate for employees under 60?

For employees under 60, the contribution rate is 1.75% of the monthly wage paid by the employer and 0.5% contributed by the employee.

3. What is the SOCSO contribution rate for employees aged 60 and above?

For employees aged 60 and above, the employer contributes 1.25% of the employee’s monthly wage. No contribution is required from the employee in this category.

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